How to Safely Use an Electric Heater

Electric space heaters provide a convenient heat source that you can use in almost any room with an electrical outlet. People often prefer this equipment because it's easy to purchase, set up, maintain, and operate.

Space heaters also offer a few safety benefits. They don't use pilot lights, produce hazardous fumes, or have leak-prone fuel tanks. Nonetheless, you still need to take various precautions to run an electric heater safely.

Before Use

Carefully examine the entire unit as well as its plug and electrical wire. Don't use a heater with a frayed cord or an oil-filled radiator that shows signs of leakage. Find out if the manufacturer has issued any recalls.

Clear the area of flammable items before turning on a heater. Keep clothes, drapes, furniture, rugs, decorations, and paper at least 36 inches away from this appliance. Avoid placing it on a combustible surface.


Always connect electric heaters to polarized outlets. Don't use power strips, adapters, splitters, or extension cords. An outlet tester can help you determine when a socket is truly grounded. If you don't have a suitable outlet, contact a local electrician.

Unplug this equipment after you finish using it, especially when you go away for long periods of time. However, don't unplug it excessively; an electrical outlet might deteriorate prematurely if you insert and remove plugs too frequently.

Avoid connecting a heater to the same electrical circuit as another appliance, such as a refrigerator, freezer, toaster, coffee maker, or microwave oven. Refer to your circuit breaker panel to identify the outlets that share each circuit.

Heat Hazards

A number of heater models have exposed hot surfaces, such as metal grilles or radiator fins. They can sometimes cause burns. Be sure to keep kids and pets away from this equipment.

Feel the electrical outlet as well as your heater's plug and cord. None of these components should become hot. If this happens, it might be a sign that your outlet or heating unit needs repair. Some models overheat when their fans fail.

Safe Operation

Numerous space heaters have timers and/or thermostats. Use these features to enhance safety by automatically turning the machine off after it supplies enough heat. Keep in mind that you may inadvertently fall asleep.

Dry your hands before touching this device. Avoid operating it in particularly moist environments. For example, it's best not to run an electric heater near a shower or a pot of boiling water.


Electric heaters require far less upkeep than fuel-burning equipment. Nonetheless, you should remember to clean and inspect your heater from time to time. If you find an air intake grille on the rear panel, make an effort to remove any dust or lint from it.

Each model is somewhat different. Don't forget to check your unit's instruction booklet for additional maintenance and operation tips. For instance, it may recommend the best cleaning products or techniques.

Although every heating system presents certain hazards, well-designed electric heaters generally supply a safe source of warmth when people position, use, and clean them correctly. The above-mentioned tips will also extend your equipment's life span while conserving electricity.

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