Lent: Fasting or Doing

The Lenten season of 2022 begins on March first. For many Christians, this means fasting in some way. Some refrain from meat on Fridays. Others give up something like their favorite television show or chocolate. Although fasting is traditional, one wonders if it always leads to spiritual growth. This is not to say that fasting is in any way wrong, or non-spiritual. Lent is a beautiful time to connect with our Savior who died for us on the cross.

The past few years have seen trends that challenge Christians to do something special instead of, or in addition to, fasting. These things don’t have to be large. In fact, you don’t really have to leave your house. For forty days, you can write letters to our American troops overseas. You can pray each day for the intentions of your preacher. You can write one kind word a day about someone who has wronged you in some way or if you are on the creative side you can poetry pertaining to the passion of Christ. These are good simple things you can do each day to strengthen your relationship with Jesus.

Lent is upon us and is a perfect time for reflection. It is a time to turn our weak hearts towards Jesus. Don’t let the Lenten season pass as if it were just forty ordinary days. Use Lent as a way to spend time with our Lord. If fasting brings you closer to Jesus, by all means fast. If fasting leaves you empty, or just frustrated, try doing something for forty days instead. 

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