Credit Card Safety Tips

Credit cards have greatly improved how we go about our financial transactions. On top of the convenience they offer for transactions, credit cards come with the added advantage of allowing users to earn many rewards such as cashback and sign-up bonuses. Despite these notable advantages, credit card use is also susceptible to fraud and identity theft. This article explores the dos and don'ts of credit card use for maximum security.

Open network transactions

Most credit card fraud happens when users enter their credit card details and other personal information on unsecured public WIFI networks. Identity thieves may be able to intercept information shared on unencrypted websites and wipe out your account.

Dealing with unverified agents

Phishing is one of the most common forms of online fraud. Criminals employ phishing emails to steal the log-in credentials of unsuspecting credit card users. It is advisable to confirm the legitimacy of any email or link sent to you by persons claiming to be your card issuer. Avoid posting photos of your credit card details on the internet.

safety tips

Changing your password regularly is one way to keep your information secure from online fraudsters. Also, be sure to log out after every transaction – especially if you are on a public domain network. Always be on the lookout for software updates; updates tend to patch up security gaps that fraudsters can exploit to steal your card information. Lastly, make sure to disable the autofill feature when using browsers that request to "remember" your card details.

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