3 Pets that are Child Friendly

Household pets provide children with psychological, social, and even healthful benefits. While the majority of U.S households own a pet, there are parents that are unable to bring one into the equation. Many parents cannot afford the extra time out of their 9-to-5 job to care for a high-maintenance pet. The most popular household pets come with veterinary, grooming, training, and food costs that make them too costly for certain households. These drawbacks keep the most in-demand pets out of reach for many parents that have no other qualms about getting their child a pet. While many popular pets may be out of the equation, there is still hope for those who lack the time and extra money. There are still a few options that are inexpensive and low-maintenance enough for a child to care for them with little assistance.

Egg Eating Snakes - Unique and constant in continuity, an egg-eating snake is a great pet for children. Most kids find them so appealing because they are exotic and are still able to be handled. As their name implies, egg-eating snakes lack teeth and venom since they only use eggs for sustenance. Because they are docile and harmless, parents can lay their concerns about safety to rest. Most species of egg-eating snakes eat quail eggs, which cost around $3.00-$5.00 per dozen. While that may seem expensive when compared to regular chicken eggs, egg-eating snakes only require one egg every two weeks. At most, an owner can expect to pay an annual $120 for food. Unlike other snake species, egg-eating snakes do not need as much extra humidity. This means that potential owners will not have to pay extra money for a special vivarium. Most reptiles are low-maintenance in nature, and the egg-eating snake is no different. It does not require special care or daily handling, which makes it a perfect candidate for busy parents.

Guinea Pigs - Paired along with hamsters, guinea pigs are ideal pets for children for good reason. Other than daily feeding and watering, guinea pigs do not need too much extra time from their owners. Aside from the initial cost of the guinea pig and the cage, the cost of food and cage furnishings cost around $20 to $40 a month. Guinea pigs are favored by children because of their affectionate nature. While they are still low-maintenance and do not need much attention, they tend to be friendly when they are handled.

Cats - While cats are not as low maintenance as the former two on the list, 41% of people in the world are cat people. Compared to dogs, their infamous counterpart, cats are much easier to care for. Cats are naturally independent and can sufficiently care for themselves. The only essentials that an owner needs to provide a cat are food, water, and a scratching post of some sort. A month-supply of cat food only cost $12 on average. Unlike dogs, cats do not need constant care and attention. Cats are easy enough for a child to take care of and very appealing to most.

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