How To Keep Dog From Licking Wound

Lately, your dog has been licking a spot on his leg. You try to look closer, and you notice a cut with dried blood around it. Being a devoted owner, you take him to the veterinarian immediately.

To keep your dog from licking his wound, there are several methods: Tegaderm/Transparent Dressings (which is more of an arm bandage that goes around body parts), liquid bandages that last up to 7 days; spray-on liquid bandages that last up to 3 days; and finally, strip adhesive liquid bandage which can be used on most areas of the body and dries very quickly. However, if the cut is wet and bleeding profusely, make sure to clean it with saline and apply the strip adhesive liquid bandage.

While you're at the vet, tell them of your predicament and ask if there is a product that will help your dog from licking his wound. If your dog just began licking recently, then chances are that he's trying to get rid of an itch or irritant that may have irritated him before the cut happened. It could be something as simple as a grass seed or other plant material or something more complex like allergies. Your veterinarian can prescribe medication for genuine cases where allergies are present to prevent excessive licking.

Does your dog always lick certain things? Their body, their feet, their tail? There are products out there on the market today that can help in preventing your dog from licking in certain areas.

The most common product found on the market today is a ' bitter apple spray which is used to stop dogs from licking their body, feet, and tail. They have also created a 'bitter yuck' formula for those pets who won't quit biting or chewing in specific areas. In addition, they sell products that are safe if swallowed, such as a bitter chewable tablet that you mix into your pet's food for up to 30 days.

Lastly, there are several toys on the market today made of soft rubber that will not only keep him entertained but prevent him from licking his wound or favorite spots, all at once! When using these methods, make sure to give your dog as much love as possible. He will begin to understand what you're doing and cooperate with these ways of keeping him from licking his wound.

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