5 Keys Of Marathon Preparation To Get You From Couch To Track

When you first think about running for a marathon, the 26.2 miles can seem a very long journey from the couch. No wonder people call it the ultimate test of endurance. However, there is no point in getting discouraged. In fact, with the right marathon preparation and consistent motivational support, you would be surprised how quickly you can become marathon-ready!

No matter what your profession, it is no more a secret that fitness is an aspect of life that you simply cannot ignore. A healthy body is a prerequisite for a healthy mind, and running is one of the key steps you can take to maintain both physical and mental health. Running has a positive effect on your mood, sleep, ability to focus, burning calories, and even tackling depression.

Having said that, running a marathon can be a very different kettle of fish. There are various things to keep in mind while preparing for the race day.

1. Build Your Base

You cannot simply wake up one day and decide to run a marathon. You need to have a base mileage of at least a few miles before you start training specifically for a marathon. Run shorter races like 5K, 10K, and half-marathons to get a feel of the vibe of a real marathon.

2. Do Marathon-Specific Training

Even if you cannot hire a coach, you can work on your cardio capacity, speed training, and your long runs on your own with a little bit of research. Try running at least three to five times per week at an easy pace, and gradually increase your mileage. Include sessions of speed work in between, where you work on your interval training and tempo runs. Simulate the marathon every ten days or so by having a long run. This is where you teach your body to burn fat for fuel and get it ready for race day.

3. Focus on Nutrition and Hydration

Long runs can be incredibly taxing for your body. Use hydration belts, hand-held water bottles, and ready-to-eat carbohydrates like gels, chews, bars, and fruits. This provides the right fuel and helps in avoiding dehydration.

4. Do Not Ignore Rest and Recovery

Do not let your enthusiasm get in the way of your preparation. It is okay to feel excited, but you also need to be pragmatic enough to know when to rest. Give your body the recovery it needs. The right amount of rest also helps in preventing mental burnouts and injuries.

5. Stay Motivated

If you do not enjoy your day-to-day grind, you run the risk of lacking motivation and going back to old patterns. This is where being part of a community of like-minded fitness enthusiasts can help. Follow Facebook groups like No Excuse Runner, Marathon Maniacs, and Instagrammers like Dorothy Beale to ask specific questions and stay positive.

As you see, preparing for a marathon can be like climbing a mountain. However, if you adopt a scientific approach and focus on each hurdle one by one, very soon, you can find yourself on the track, ready to scale that finish line like a pro.


Douglas, S. (2020, August 15). Marathon Runners Need These 26 Tips to Crush 26.2 Miles. Runner’s World. https://www.runnersworld.com/training/a20808326/26-tips-for-running-your-best-26-2/

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