8 Human Foods That are Considered Safe for Dogs


Dogs have their own foods that dog owners should stick to. However, when you’ve run out of dog food or you’re moved by your pet’s pleading face, you may find yourself feeding him human foods.

Before you do this, remember that some human foods are highly toxic when consumed by dogs and can cause life-threatening conditions or even death.

These include chocolate, candy bars, toothpaste, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, macadamia nuts, yeast dough, onions, raisins, coffee, avocado, and grapes.

The good news is that there are several human foods that are considered safe for dog consumption. Wondering what they are? Continue reading below to find out.

#1 Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a favorite treat for many dogs. It’s an excellent source of protein, niacin, and healthy fats, as well as vitamins B and E. You can feed your dog peanut butter by stuffing it in a Kong toy.

This will keep him mentally stimulated and busy for several hours while you’re away working. Just make sure that the peanut butter you’re giving him is raw and unsalted.

If possible, avoid peanut butter that is labeled “lite” or sugar-free as it may contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that’s very toxic when consumed by dogs.

#2 Baby Carrots

Baby carrots are high in beta carotene, which helps dogs to maintain good eye health. They’re also low in calories and high in fiber, which helps dogs to maintain a healthy weight.

Another added advantage of feeding your canine companion raw baby carrots regularly is that it helps him maintain clean teeth and fresh breath.

#3 Cooked Chicken

Cooked chicken is another safe human food you can feed your dog. This delicious meal comes in handy, especially when you’ve run out of your dog food or when you want to add flavor or protein to his regular food.

Your pet will surely thank you for slipping some cooked chicken into his food bowl.

#4 Salmon

Salmon is high in omega 3 fatty acids, which help to keep your dog’s coat shiny and healthy and boost his immune system.

You can feed your pet salmon by a) adding salmon oil into his food bowl, b) serving him unused fish skin, or c) serving him cooked salmon alongside his regular food.

#5 Green Beans

Green beans are high in fiber and low in calories – characteristics that make this food filling without causing weight gain in dogs. It’s important that you don’t add any salt to the beans that you serve your dog.

#6 Eggs

Scrambling some eggs for your dog is also an easy way to add protein, selenium, as well as riboflavin to his diet.

#7 Cheese

Cheese makes a great treat for dogs that are intolerant to lactose. However, if you’re going to feed your pet cheese, make sure you give him only a small quantity. Also, the variety you use should be low in fats to prevent weight gain.

#8 Apples

Just like green beans, apples are a good source of fiber, which makes them filling. In addition, apples are high in vitamin C and A, which are good for your dog’s health.

Eating apples regularly also helps dogs to get cleaner teeth and fresher breath over time. Just make sure that you cut them into small slices and remove the core and seeds before feeding to prevent your pet from choking.

These are some of the human foods that are considered safe for dog consumption. Others include pumpkin, oatmeal, and yogurt. If you’re unsure about the quantity to serve, ask your vet for advice.

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