How to Make Your Garden Bee Friendly


Bees are essential for our livelihood and keeping the cycle of life going on earth. They provide an indispensable service by pollinating plants and spreading their seeds, as well as making delicious honey.

To make your garden attractive to all bees, one of the first things to do is to choose bee-friendly plants that are rich in nectar and pollen. It is also important that these plants have different blooming times, so you keep the bees coming all year round.

One useful tip when building your bee-friendly yard is to relax when cutting weeds around your garden. Many weeds that we consider bad plants are, in fact, great support for the wildlife growing in your garden and essential to attract more bees. A good example of common weeds that grow in your garden is lawn clovers and dandelions.

Avoiding pesticides is not recommended, as it will harm the bees. If you want to keep pests under control, it is better to have key plants and bushes planted in combination, as some species of flowers and shrubs repel certain bugs and other unwelcome visitors.

Providing shelter for bees is another way to keep them coming to your garden. Sheltered corners and upturned, empty plant pots are great houses for bees, especially during bad weather. Leaving a corner of your garden untouched could also offer bees a place to nest during the winter, mostly for solitary bee species.

In conclusion, keeping your garden colorful all year round is essential. As well as having a good source of water around, like a pond, to maintain the bees hydrated.

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