Managing a Patient With Dementia? Don't Forget These 5 Tips!

As a caregiver, you have a lot on your plate. You're likely taking care of a family member or loved one suffering from dementia, managing their day-to-day needs, and trying to have some balance of a normal life yourself. It can be hard to know where to start when taking care of your loved one with dementia with all this going on. Here are 5 tips for caregivers that will help manage a dementia patient at home.

How to Manage a Dementia Patient

Managing a dementia patient is a difficult task that requires a lot of patience and understanding. It starts with assessing the needs, understanding the symptoms, and considering them when planning activities. Dementia patients shouldn't be left alone because they might wander off or get injured. In addition, they should never be left in areas with hazards or sharp objects.

Things to Avoid During Dementia Patient Care

First, it is important to make sure the person always has something to do. Just like in their day-to-day lives, they should be able to complete at least one task for themselves or someone else. Second, it is important not to ask the patient too many questions. For example, don't force them if they struggle with words. Sometimes just pointing at the door and asking, "Do you need to go?" will suffice.

Tips for Caregivers

Dealing with dementia patients can be difficult. When caring for your loved ones, make sure they get plenty of rest. It is recommended that they sleep for 10 hours every night. Additionally, eat well-balanced meals and keep hydrated. It is important to avoid conflicts or arguments with the patient because it will only cause anxiety and agitation. If there is any conflict, simply remove yourself from the situation if possible. Finally, take care of yourself by getting enough sleep and quality time with friends and family members.

Staying with the dementia patient

It's a good idea to check in with the dementia patient every few minutes. Make sure they are comfortable and ask them questions about their day or what they want for dinner. You should also watch for signs of agitation, such as pacing around the room, aggression, or the need to touch everything.

Activities with the dementia patient

Take a walk with the patient, go to a movie, or research their hobbies and interests. Invite them to do their favorite activity or share an item that reminds them of a happy moment from their past.

The Bottom Line

It may seem overwhelming to deal with a dementia patient, but hopefully the above tips will help you gather yourself.

Good luck!

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