Top 3 Health Benefits of Rooibos Tea

Rooibos is a wonderful herb that has been used for centuries in South Africa to make tea. Now you can access the health benefits of this loose leaf tea from the comfort of your own home or a friendly tea house.

Why Rooibos?

Besides being a uniquely flavorful tea, rooibos can be quite good for your health. Let's look at the top three benefits of rooibos tea so you can find out if this healthy drink is right for you.

1. Naturally caffeine-free

If you're trying to cut out coffee or don't like how other teas make you jittery, rooibos is a flavorful alternative. It contains no caffeine like traditional teas do, making it an excellent choice for children, pregnant people, or those sensitive to caffeine.

Since rooibos is naturally caffeine-free, it does not have to undergo any chemical processing which could affect the flavor. The rich and full flavor can even take milk for a warm and creamy bedtime drink.

2. May help regulate blood sugar levels

The next benefit of rooibos is that it may help regulate blood sugar levels. In lab studies, researchers found that rooibos tea contains a compound called aspalathin. This compound had an anti-diabetic effect in animal studies, but more research needs to be done.

3. Full of antioxidants

The antioxidants found in rooibos tea are known to fight against the formation of free radicals and inflammation, which can damage your cells and make them more susceptible to disease. Over the long term, this could reduce your risk of cancer.

Treat yourself to wellness today and pour a cup of loose leaf rooibos tea. You'll have to taste it to believe it.

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