Top Things to Avoid If You Are Suffering from Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson's disease (PD) affects an estimated 10 million people worldwide, and about 1 percent of people above the age of 60 suffer from it. It is a neurological disorder that affects your ability to move and reduces the dopamine levels in the body. Its main symptoms include stiffness of the muscles, shaking, slow movements, difficulty in walking, smaller handwriting, and lack of facial expressions. You can also suffer from severe nerve cell damage that causes secondary symptoms like dementia.

If you are suffering from PD, you need to be careful about a lot of things. There are various day-to-day activities which are routine for normal people but can cause some serious issues for you. Be cautious and avoid certain activities as much as you can.

1. Do not overdo physical activities

A little bit of exercise is beneficial, but you should avoid overstraining yourself. You need to respect your limits and avoid making the symptoms any worse. Be careful with complex things like reaching high objects on a stool or walking on a wet bathroom floor, as you put yourself at a greater risk with these activities.

2. Do not eat dairy products

Dairy products can negatively affect oxidation in the brain and can accentuate the symptoms. Alongside dairy, avoid any fried or processed food as it alters the metabolism and increases blood pressure and cholesterol.

3. Do not use complicated accessories

You can find it frustrating to deal with smaller things like shirt buttons, pins, or chains. Use easy-to-wear clothes, slip ons, and fabric that uses Velcro.

4. Do not hurry while eating

Do not try to hurry while eating as you run the risk of choking yourself. For PD patients, swallowing no longer remains an autonomous reflex, and often, saliva can accumulate in the mouth. Try to eat slowly and chop off big bites of food into smaller parts to facilitate easy swallowing.

5. Do not handle sharp instruments

You run the risk of injuring yourself while handling sharp objects like knives and blades because of the erratic movement patterns. If possible, use an electronic toothbrush instead of a manual one.

6. Do not speak too quickly

You can find it difficult to speak in a hurried manner. If you do not adjust your speaking patterns, you can often get frustrated. Try to form short and confined statements and enunciate the words slowly.

As you see, the symptoms of PD can be very taxing. However, do not try to resist and force your way out of the limitations. Respect the restrictions imposed upon you and try to follow a lifestyle that aids your treatment. Keep your movements slow, and stop and breathe every time you freeze. Also, do not shy away from professional assistance whenever you feel like it.


Tips for Daily Life With Parkinson's Disease. (2002, March 20). WebMD.

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