All You Need to Know Before Your First Therapy Appointment

When you're struggling with mental illness, starting therapy is one of the most important steps you can take toward improving your well-being and starting to solve your problems. Nevertheless, going to see a therapist for the first time can make you apprehensive, especially when you have many questions on your mind about what it's going to be like and whether therapy is the right decision for you.

The Point of Therapy is to Help

If you're worried about your first therapy session, you should keep in mind that the appointment is a victory in and of itself. Considering the possibility that you need help, finding a professional and scheduling your session are already important steps you've taken, and usually very difficult things to do.

It's normal to feel some degree of preoccupation, but you can rest assured that your therapist is there to help, and they will do their best to make sure you're comfortable through all your sessions. If you don't enjoy your first experience, keep in mind that you can always choose another professional who could have a completely different approach and be a much better match for you.

What to Expect From a First Session

Your first session doesn't really require any preparation on your part. Your therapist will most likely ask questions and try to understand what your life is like right now and why you've decided to make an appointment.

It can be difficult to summarize all that you've been feeling lately and the reasons why you're looking to start therapy, but you don't need to give a perfectly organized explanation. These are complex questions, and you can start answering them however you like. It's fine if your answer is rambling or contradictory — it's the therapist's job to guide you and ask for any clarification they need so that you can organize your thoughts for them and for yourself.

It's Fine to Ask Questions

Last but not least, keep in mind that a good therapist will always welcome any questions you might have. You may be curious about their methods, their opinion on something you said, or anything about how therapy works. Whatever questions you might have, don't hesitate to ask!

A lot of patients feel embarrassed about having questions in their first appointment or even in their regular sessions, but there's no reason why you should know any of it — just as you are not expected to know exactly what to tell a doctor when you're physically sick or come with any prior understanding of how a given medical procedure works.

Just keep in mind that the therapist will be the one guiding your session, and all you need to do is follow their instructions. As long as you carefully consider their questions and give thoughtful answers, things should go smoothly — and if at some point you feel that you don't quite know what to do or what to say, you can always ask.

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