Four Reasons Your Dog Won't Stop Barking

Your dog's barking is driving you insane. Maybe she barks at every person who passes your yard, other dogs, squirrels, and what seems to be the wind. So why do some dogs bark so much? Here are four common reasons why your dog seems to lack an off-switch.

1. Excess Energy

No matter how loved your dog is, she will be frustrated and excitable if she does not receive proper exercise or mental stimulation.

A mere walk often isn't sufficient for the average dog. At some point, all dogs need to get a regular chance to run off-leash. Try to find a dog park or empty field where you can safely let your dog run free for at least thirty minutes. If your dog enjoys playing fetch, bring a ball and be sure to tire her out!

2. Boredom

Like us, dogs need mental stimulation too. Get your dog a toy that you can hide treats inside to keep her busy while you are at work or away from the house.

3. Lack of training

Your dog may simply be in the habit of barking at everything that moves because she does not know you dislike the behavior. Instead of simply yelling at her to be quiet, use positive reinforcement training to teach her new things.

Training basic obedience exercises such as sit, lie down and heel may at first appear to be unrelated to her barking issue. How does asking your dog to roll over have anything to do with fixing her barking? The answer is everything. You will find that getting your dog to perform cues or tricks will distract her and she will forget to bark.

4. Fear

Dogs who are nervous can become defensive toward other animals and sometimes people the point of serious aggression. If regular exercise and training do not fix the problem, be sure to take your dog to a veterinarian to rule out health issues and get the help of a professional animal behaviorist if necessary.

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