Top 5 Easy-to-Care Pets For Those Fed Up With Dogs


Remember that old friend who did not go to trips, picnics, or even parties because he had Bruno to take care of?

There is no doubt that dogs are excellent companions. But, the cost of that companionship is some real high-level maintenance. Visit that old friend sometime, and you will see the mess that dogs are capable of making.

Puking, pooping, and waking you up at odd hours...all this is an integral part of the complete dog package. And, if you have jobs, babies, or roommates at home, things can get super sweaty.

But, thankfully, some pets make very little demand on your time and energy. These pets will give you the love without much hassle.

1. Hamsters. With hamsters, all you need is a proper cage and bedding, and you're done. No worrying about toilet routines or mopping floors! Plus, hamsters are super cute and ever curious. You can watch them all day and not get bored.

Hamsters come in many breeds, and they are available at any pet store. These nocturnal animals are sure to double the fun if you are a bit of a night crawler yourself!

2. Guinea pigs. Another rodent species that is super cute and super chill at the same time. Watching them jump like popcorn every time you come back home will make your heart melt. Like hamsters, all they need is a proper cage, food, and water.

Guinea pigs are social animals who like the company of other pigs. Not to mention, they are a favorite for kids!

3. Cats. The best thing about cats is that they need their space as much as you do. So, you don't ever have to worry about leaving them alone for a little while. They are self-sufficient and independent creatures, like exploring things by themselves.

Love them as much as you want or as little as you want. Plus, they are not even fussy about the presence of other cats or even dogs.

4. Birds. There is nothing more beautiful than a colorful bird. You can pick from a variety of options, from parrots to parakeets, according to their levels of maintenance. You can even fulfill your animal-training goals with some of the birds, as their ability to learn is at par with dogs.

Enjoy feeding them nuts and seeds. You can even get a birdhouse for these intelligent beings. With their constant chatter, birds will never make you feel lonely.

5. Turtles. Turtles are super interesting creatures that give vibes of wisdom and composure. If you ever need a calming
influence in your life, besides some company, turtles are the right pets for you. They are low-maintenance, and you don't even need to feed them everyday.

Turtles still want their space nice and clean, with a constant supply of fresh water. Tortoises are also like turtles in their habits but requires some extra space and an efficient diet.

Remember, even if these pets are super easy to care, they still need proper love and affection. Do thorough research and talk to experts before adopting one of these. Happy petting!


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