At-Home Solutions for Tooth Sensitivity


Tooth sensitivity refers to pain and discomfort in the teeth when triggered by hot, cold, sweet, or sour foods. Tooth sensitivity is caused by damaged enamel or exposed roots. If the sensitivity is mild, you can try the following at-home solutions.

1. Reduce Acidic Foods and Drinks

Acid can corrode the enamel and worsen tooth sensitivity. If your tooth is already sensitive, eliminating acid consumption will help prevent further damage and relieve sensitivity.

2. Use a Soft Toothbrush

Regular brushing is necessary for maintaining oral health. However, if the toothbrush bristles are hard, brushing may damage the enamel. Using a soft or extra-soft toothbrush can help with tooth sensitivity.

3. Try a Fluoride Rinse

Fluoride has positive effects in strengthening the teeth and preventing cavities. By strengthening the enamel, mild tooth sensitivity may be reversed.

4. Use Desensitizing Toothpaste

Some over-the-counter toothpaste contains desensitizing agents like stannous fluoride or potassium nitrate. They can provide effective sensitivity relief. Be extra cautious when using toothpaste containing stannous fluoride, though, because the ingredient may stain the teeth and make them appear less white. These stains are not permanent and can be removed by careful brushing or professional cleaning.

5. Wear a Night Guard

Grinding and clenching contribute to teeth discomfort. In the long term, teeth wear down more quickly due to this habit. While it is easy to control the urge during the day, many of us grind or clench unknowingly during sleep. A simple solution is to wear a nightguard, which is available in most drug stores.

At-home solutions usually provide good relief to tooth sensitivity. If your tooth sensitivity persists, make sure to talk with your dentist and get it treated before problems get more serious.

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