4 Things to Do After Coming Home from a Horse Show

Horse shows are exhilarating events for both the rider and the horse. After all the hard work and preparation, it's time to return home and reflect on the experience. While it's easy to just relax and forget about everything, there are a few things that should be done to ensure the horse's well-being and to prepare for the next competition. Here are four things to do after coming home from a horse show.

1. Cool Down and Hydrate the Horse

After a long day of competing, the horse needs to cool down and rehydrate. This is especially important during hot weather. The first thing to do when you arrive home is to offer the horse fresh water. If the horse is still hot, you can use a hose to spray it down with cool water. Another way to help the horse cool down is to walk it around the ring or pasture to help increase blood flow and encourage sweating. It's important to let the horse rest and recover before doing any further activities.

Once the horse has cooled down, it's time to check its hydration levels. To do this, you can pinch the skin on the horse's neck. If the skin snaps back quickly, the horse is hydrated. If the skin takes a while to return to its original position, the horse is dehydrated and needs to be given more water. Electrolyte supplements can also be added to the water to help replenish the horse's lost minerals and nutrients.

After the horse has rested and hydrated, it's time to give it a well-deserved break. Turn it out in a pasture or stall and let it relax for a few days. This will give the horse time to recover and prepare for the next competition.

2. Clean and Inspect Your Tack

After the horse has been taken care of, it's time to turn your attention to your tack. Your saddle, bridle, and other equipment need to be cleaned and inspected for any damage that may have occurred during the competition. Cleaning your tack will help prolong its life and keep it in good condition for future competitions.

Start by removing any dirt or debris from your tack. Use a damp cloth to wipe down your saddle and bridle, paying special attention to the areas where the horse's sweat may have accumulated. You can use a mild soap or leather cleaner to help remove any stubborn dirt or stains. Once your tack is clean, apply a conditioner to help keep the leather soft and supple.

While you're cleaning your tack, inspect it for any signs of wear and tear for loose stitching, cracks in the leather, or any other damage. If you notice any issues, have them repaired before your next competition. This will help prevent any accidents or injuries that may occur due to faulty equipment.

3. Reflect on Your Performance

After the horse and tack have been taken care of, it's time to reflect on your performance. This is an important step in the process of improving your riding skills and preparing for future competitions. Take some time to think about what went well and what could have been done better.

Start by reviewing any videos or feedback that you may have received from the competition. Take note of any areas where you struggled or made mistakes. Ask your coach or trainer for their input on how you can improve your performance. This feedback will help you focus on the areas that need the most work and help you prepare for your next competition.

It's also important to celebrate any successes that you may have had during the competition. Take pride in your accomplishments and use them as motivation to continue improving.

4. Plan for Your Next Competition

After reflecting on your performance, it's time to start planning for your next competition. This includes setting goals and creating a plan to achieve them. Start by selecting a competition that you would like to participate in and work backwards from there. Determine what you need to do to prepare for the competition and create a timeline for achieving your goals.

Some things to consider when planning for your next competition include your horse's fitness level, your own riding skills, and any equipment that may need to be replaced or repaired. You should also consider any additional training or coaching that you may need to improve your performance.

By taking the time to plan for your next competition, you will be better prepared and more confident when the time comes to compete again. This will help you achieve your goals and continue to improve your riding skills.


Coming home from a horse show can be a time for relaxation and reflection. By following these four steps, you can ensure that your horse is well-cared for, your equipment is in good condition, and you are prepared for your next competition. Remember to take pride in your accomplishments and use them as motivation to continue improving your riding skills. With dedication and hard work, you can achieve your goals and become a better rider.

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