3 Tips to Save Money on Horse Boarding

Horse ownership is an amazing experience, but it can also be quite expensive. One of the biggest costs associated with owning a horse is boarding. However, there are ways to reduce this expense and save money. In this blog post, we will discuss three tips to save money on horse boarding.

  1. Consider pasture board

Pasture board is a type of boarding where horses are kept in a pasture with access to shelter. This is usually the most cost-effective option for horse owners. Pasture board can vary in price depending on the location, but it is generally much cheaper than stall board. Additionally, horses that are kept on pasture board tend to be healthier because they have more room to move around and graze. This option is best for horses that are able to tolerate different weather conditions and can socialize with other horses in the same pasture.

  1. Share a stall or pasture with a friend

Sharing a stall or pasture with a friend can be a great way to reduce costs. This works best if you know someone who owns a horse and is also looking to save money on boarding. By sharing the cost of the stall or pasture, you can both save money. Additionally, having a companion for your horse can be great for their mental health and well-being.

  1. Look for seasonal discounts

Some boarding facilities offer seasonal discounts to attract more clients during slower months. For example, during the winter months, some facilities may offer a reduced rate for stall board. This is because horses are often kept inside due to the colder weather, which means more work for the facility staff. By offering a discount, they can attract more clients during this time. It's always worth asking if there are any discounts available, as you may be able to save a significant amount of money.

In conclusion, there are several ways to save money on horse boarding. By considering pasture board, sharing a stall or pasture with a friend, and looking for seasonal discounts, you can reduce your boarding costs without sacrificing the care and well-being of your horse. Remember to always do your research and find a boarding facility that is right for you and your horse. Happy saving!

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