Best Ways to Get Rid of Pigeons: Effective Tips to Remove Pigeons from Your Property

Pigeons may seem harmless and even cute at first, but they can quickly become a nuisance when they start roosting and nesting on your property. Not only can they create a mess with their droppings, but they can also cause damage to buildings and other structures. If you're looking for ways to get rid of pigeons, here are some effective tips to try.

  1. Remove their food sources

One of the primary reasons pigeons are attracted to your property is because of the food sources available. Removing these sources is the first step in getting rid of them. Make sure to keep all food containers and trash cans tightly sealed, and clean up any spilled food or garbage immediately.

  1. Use repellents

There are several types of repellents you can use to deter pigeons from roosting on your property. One of the most effective is bird spikes, which can be installed on ledges, roofs, and other areas where pigeons like to perch. You can also use sticky gels or visual deterrents like scarecrows or reflective tape.

  1. Install netting

If you have a larger area that needs to be protected, such as a courtyard or outdoor dining area, installing netting can be an effective solution. This will prevent pigeons from entering the area and roosting or nesting.

  1. Hire a professional

If you've tried these methods and still can't get rid of the pigeons, it may be time to call in a professional. Pest control companies specialize in bird removal and can help you come up with a customized solution for your specific situation.

  1. Block access to nesting sites

Pigeons prefer to nest in secluded areas, such as under eaves, in attics, or in vents. Blocking off access to these areas can prevent them from nesting and roosting on your property. Seal up any gaps or holes in your roof or walls, and install screens over vents.

  1. Use sonic repellents

Sonic repellents emit high-pitched sounds that are uncomfortable for pigeons and can cause them to leave the area. These can be especially effective if you have a large outdoor space that needs to be protected.

In conclusion, getting rid of pigeons requires a combination of tactics. Removing their food sources, using repellents, installing netting, and blocking access to nesting sites are all effective methods. If all else fails, don't hesitate to call in a professional. With a little persistence and effort, you can successfully get rid of pigeons and keep them from returning to your property.

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