A Lincoln Chef's Whirlwind Experience on "Chopped"


There’s nothing quite as surreal as seeing yourself on television, especially when you're on a show as legendary as Chopped. For years, I’ve been whipping up dishes in the heart of Lincoln, Nebraska, drawing inspiration from our local produce and the rich agricultural landscape. But representing my city on Chopped? Now that's a different ball game altogether.

The Audition:

The journey started with a seemingly innocent email: an invitation to audition for Chopped. At first, I thought it was a joke. Why would a chef from Lincoln be on their radar? But, as the reality sank in, my excitement (and terror) grew. The audition process was intense. We had to showcase our skills, narrate our stories, and demonstrate our unique culinary point of view.

Preparation Mode:

Once I got the news of my selection, I went into full prep mode. I rewatched old episodes, took notes on the judge's preferences, and created imaginary baskets for myself, trying to whip up something palatable in twenty minutes.

I knew that being from Lincoln would set me apart. The Midwest has a distinct culinary identity, one that’s often overshadowed by the glitz and glamour of coastal cities. My mission was clear: to elevate our local ingredients and show the world what Lincoln's cuisine had to offer.

The Studio Experience:

Walking onto the Chopped set felt like walking into a dream. The gleaming countertops, those infamous basket reveal moments, and the ticking clock were all too familiar from my TV screen, but experiencing it firsthand was otherworldly.

Opening the basket for the first time was a rush of adrenaline. The combination of ingredients felt like a culinary puzzle, waiting for me to piece them together. With every round, I tried to infuse a bit of Lincoln into my dishes. From using local corn to experimenting with beef from nearby farms, I wanted the judges to experience the Midwest in every bite.

Reflections and Gratitude:

While I won't spill the beans on the result (you'll have to watch the episode for that!), I can say this: the experience was transformative. I forged connections with fellow chefs, took risks with my dishes, and grew immensely as a chef and an individual.

Coming back to Lincoln post-Chopped, the love and support from the community were overwhelming. It reminded me of why I fell in love with cooking in the first place. It’s not just about the food, but about the people you share it with.

To the folks at Chopped, thank you for giving this Lincoln chef a platform to shine. And to my beloved Lincoln community, thank you for being the wind beneath my wings. Here's to more culinary adventures ahead!

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