Navigating the New Google Business Profile Suspension Appeal Process: Your Key to Reinstatement Success


Google is introducing a new process for Google Business Profile (GBP) suspension appeals, aiming to streamline and make the reinstatement procedure more transparent, especially after it was initially rolled out in the European Union and is expected to become available globally in the near future​1​​2​.

Here's what you need to know about the new suspension appeal process:

  1. Appeals Tool: Businesses must now use the Google Business Profile appeals tool, as opposed to the previous simple reinstatement form​3​.
  2. Evidence Submission: There's a strict 60-minute window to attach evidence during the appeal process. If the time lapses or the window is closed, the proof will not be considered​3​.
  3. Appeal Status: The status of your appeal can be checked within the appeals tool. If the appeal is not approved, there might not be an opportunity to appeal again, as Google may mark it with a “Can't be appealed” status​3​.
  4. Preparation: Before using the appeals tool, businesses should prepare their evidence in advance. A lack of preparation could lead to denial and potentially forfeit the chance to appeal the decision​3​.
  5. Guidelines Compliance: Ensuring that your profile follows all GBP guidelines is crucial for a successful appeal​3​.
  6. Professional Review: It is advisable to have your profile and documents reviewed by a professional before appealing to increase the chances of a successful reinstatement​3​.

The roll-out of this new process signifies Google's ongoing efforts to provide a fair and transparent system for businesses to maintain their online presence. The emphasis on preparation and the finite window for evidence submission underscore the importance of diligence and accuracy when dealing with profile suspensions. Businesses worldwide should keep an eye on the developments of this process and be ready to adapt to the new system once it becomes available in their region.

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